1. The Game rules
Presentation https://youtu.be/HsitvZ0JaDc
This link contains all necessary documents for the FTC 2022-2023 game.
The complete Document about the REV robot control system (Control Hub / robotics controller )
2. Robot building - mechanics
3. Robotics programming
A. System setup, Configuration, Map the hardware
B. Programming for 2 minutes teleop period
This link has 2022-2023 teleop program source code.
C. Programming for 30 seconds Autonomous period
This link has 2021-2022 version of the autonomous program and source code.
D. 30 seconds end game
-- Program breakdown:
a. Programing for the Basic bot - move and turn
b. Programming for grabbing, lifting, dropping
c. Programming for camera sensor to do
I. See the pictures on the cone
II. See the pictures on the wall
--- Step by step Android Studio tuitional
-- Team codes: These videos contain the details for programming with the camera
Team code: https://youtu.be/GXeSsbGXURM
-- The recent official game matches: search FTC power play on YouTube